Central Middle School 2023 Boys' Basketball Game Schedule Wednesday 11/8 8th Grade A Team @ home vs EGR 5:00pm 8th Grade B Team @ home vs EGR 4:00pm 7th Grade A Team @ EGR [...]
Central Middle News
CMS Girls’ Rec Volleyball Schedule
Here is the 2023 Central Middle School's Girls' Rec. Volleyball Schedule. 2023 FOREST HILLS REC VOLLEYBALL SCHEDULE 9/20 - @FHC 3:30 pm FHC Green vs FHN 4:30 pm FHC Green vs FHE 5:30 pm FHC [...]
CMS Boys’ Basketball Tryouts for 2023/24
Central Middle School boys' basketball tryouts are scheduled on October 24-25. 7th grade is from 3 - 4:15 p.m., and 8th grade is from 4:20 - 5:35 p.m. All players must have a Final Forms account and a [...]
Register Now – CMS Sports
Registration for all middle school athletics is via FinalForms. Once registered the coach will communicate season details and parent meeting information prior to the start of the [...]
2023-2024 Ranger Athletics
Interested in playing school sports at Central Middle School this upcoming year? Check out all that we offer and when here. [...]
Thinking Ahead to Fall Sports
If your student is planning to play girls' volleyball or coed cross country in the fall, a FinalForms account and a physical dated after 4/15/23 are needed. No student will be allowed to try out or [...]