Pursuant to MCL § 380.1278(a)(4)(c) and MCL §380.1279(b), all interested students have an option to demonstrate that they are proficient in the high school content expectations for any course required for graduation offered in high school without enrolling in the course. By signing below, parents and students acknowledge that they have read and understand the following:
- Testing out of a course may have ramifications for college admissions, and parents and students are strongly encouraged to address those issues with their counselor in the context of the student’s Four-Year Plan prior to testing out.
- Testing out of a course may have ramifications for NCAA eligibility, and parents and students are strongly encouraged to address those issues with their counselor prior to testing out.
- A student is granted credit for the course if the student demonstrates proficiency at a level of 77% or higher on one or more assessments developed to measure a student’s understanding of the high school content expectations in that course. Those assessments may take the form of one or more of the following: final exam, portfolio, performance, paper, project, or presentation.
- Successful testing out may still result in curricular gaps, e.g., 78% on an Algebra I test out may not guarantee success at the Algebra II level for all students.
- Successful testing out may result in the student exhausting all curricular offerings at the high school level.
- Credit(s) received through successful completion of testing out shall not be included in the computation of the student’s grade point average. The transcript shall note “credit.”
- Credit(s) earned through testing out shall be counted toward graduation.
- Students and parents may access the High School Content Expectations (HSCEs) at any time prior to the selected testing out date (http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,1607,7-140- 38924—,00.html, scroll down to find your content area and click that link).
- Two weeks prior to the selected testing out date, students may receive a textbook in the course (if applicable) if the student desires it, and/or returnable course pack. Textbooks/returnable materials are not accessible prior to this time due to the number of textbooks available. There is a refundable $50.00 deposit for all textbooks/returnable materials, and they must be returned before any testing out is permitted (deposit returned). In addition, if they are not returned, additional funds may be owed.
- Students are allowed two attempts to successfully pass out of a course. If the student desires a third attempt in the same course, the student and his/her parents must first meet with a building administrator and obtain their permission to do so.