Help the district plan for the 2025-26 school year. It’s time to verify your information for continued enrollment and to ensure transportation for the next school year. Every family with a student returning in the fall of 2025 must verify information in PowerSchool. On February 3, PowerSchool will be available to confirm and verify information for the next school year. For families with a returning student, click on this link to log in to your PowerSchool account. Select “Forms” on the left navigation menu. Edit, verify, and upload the appropriate information required. If you have more than one returning student, you must complete the verification process for each student. For PowerSchool assistance, email, call FHPS at (616) 493-8550, or attend the district’s first in-person PowerSchool assistance open house on Monday, February 10, from 9 a.m.-noon at the Fine Arts Center.
Home > FHPS District News > Beginning Feb. 3, 2025, Returning Families Please Verify Info. for the 2025-26 School Year