As the end of the school year approaches, plenty of school activities are happening, and we want to ensure you don’t miss a beat. PowerSchool was recently upgraded, and when that upgrade occurred, some data was not transferred correctly when the upgrade occurred.
If you are not receiving messages from either the school and/or the district, or know someone who isn’t receiving messages from either, here are a few reasons why that may be occurring.
- Forms are filled out incorrectly in PowerSchool.
- You have landed on the ‘blocked,’ list. This happens when you unsubscribe or do not interact with SchoolMessenger messages.
Here’s how you can help!
Please log into PowerSchool and go to form R5, ‘Student Contacts Update.’ There will be three things to check for. First, make sure a correct phone number AND an email address are listed. Second, confirm that there is a green check mark next to the word custody. Third, click on the pencil edit tool, and make sure that ‘receives mail’ is checked ‘yes.’
If all information in PowerSchool is correct, call your school’s registrar or head secretary. They can check to see if you are on the ‘blocked’ list or approve any changes you have made to the ‘Student Contacts Update’ form.
Every night, PowerSchool and SchoolMessenger sync with one another. All changes will be reflected in 24 hours.